Friday, 4 December 2009

I wonder why...

Why do people have to act like their rules are the standard ones? or their principals are the ones that should become the examples? or that their ego is the one that is worth protecting instead of others?

We lived and grew in various background.... and life experiences induced our thinking...making us who we are now..and we are all different of cos...My opinion might differ from others..Thats one of the earth norms..right?

So...if u are an A and i am a B...we should be an A+B through compromises right? But why do we still fight over something so simple?? I wonder why...

People..the next time u want to start a fight..remember that everybody has their own ground rules and principals.. and we have something called 'explanation' to sort things out..

Eventhough ego is one of the essential element of humanity.. we know that overprotecting it isn't always the way out..

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