Tuesday, 27 September 2011

i am annoyed!

I finally found the motivation + excitement + perseverance to do what i decided to give up weeks ago.. Chasing the final due date needs every single enthusiasm left in me.. Denying the urge to do something fun and 628% focus on this assignment kind of remind me my spm preparation feeling years ago.. Complete this, n all my burden is going to be lifted permanently from me for the rest of my life.. n i would be a very happy lady... :)

But i'm kind of annoyed now.. Cant seem to focus to the above stuff.. Cant seem to find the exact reason but i guess it has something to do with my expectations.. I did my part according to the sequence but i cant seem to get corporation from the other party..

Delays due to so many reasons..kind of tired of asking..n checking..n reminding...coz everytime i tried to go to the bottom of the problem, he'll end up making jokes and after the long conversation trying to highlight the logic to him, he will produce a very sluggish implementation with 15 more reminders..i got annoyed just by reminding him.... I am tired of it.. can i just let him alone and play by his rhythm?

Look..i have a very heavy head-cracking stuff to attend to, please..do ur part and help me with the planning... i can't do this alone.. it's not only ur work, family n friends that matter.. i got mine too... God! i'm annoyed...

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